
The Confidence Resume & My most confident self

Lesson 7 Chapter 4 Module 1

Recommended Resources

The Domino effect on confidence

Confidence is not something we feel but something we do, So every little action we take to build our confidence has a domino effect. Watch this short video on the power of the domino effect 

The Confidence Resume

Sometimes we forget to acknowledge & appreciate the small wins we are making and also the big ones as well. If we don't acknowledge our wins our confidence drops, This worksheet will help you build your own confidence resume so you can define & acknowledge why you have achieved more than we give ourselves credit for & then allow that to fuel our confidence

My Most Confident Self Worksheet

Who are you when you are at your most confident? What is your body language, self talk, energy & focus like? 

Use this tool to get clear on your most confident self and identify the traits that are your most confident self, so you can do confidence every day

Daily Dominator book

Brian Cane is one of the leading mindset coaches in the world. A lot of his work & teachings have been sprinkled throughout this course.

In his book The Daily dominator there is a daily passage to read which will help you build and unshakeable mindset.

Download the book below, commit to reading one page per day (day 1 is January 1) and send us your thoughts to the group chat

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